Bioflow v Therapeutic Goods Administration

In 2011 The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia challenged the content and statements of claims in advertising being expressed by various Australian Bioflow retailers. They basically threatened to prosecute advertisers if Bioflow could not prove their Bioflow therapeutic claims. They wanted proof.
The Australian Importer at the time - "Bioflow Magnotherapy Australia" then lodged with the TGA various Statutory Declarations from satisfied Bioflow customers to support the therapeutic claims being made in their advertising. The TGA issued the following "Therapeutic Goods Certificate" which recognizes Bioflow as an approved medical device.
ARTG Identifier - 191774 Class 1
ARTG State Date - 7th Nov, 2011
Product Category:Medical Device Included Class 1
Intended Purpose A magnetised device that produces a weak magnetic flux field over a superficial body site to potentially provide comfort or localised temporary relief of minor aches and pains (eg., from muscle soreness / stiffness, arthritis).